• QSR® - Quality Systems Registrars Inc.

Our Story

Quality Systems Registrars building confidence since day one.
Want to improve Quality? Create Sustainability? Manage Risk?

Quality Management Systems, ISO 9001 Certification, Accreditation, and Training from QSR Inc.

At QSR®, we recognize that our bottom-line mission is to provide confidence to your customers and the entire value chain in which you do business. We will work hard every day to earn your trust as your partner for management system certification.

About Us

It was 1987 and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) had just published the first edition of what would become the best-selling voluntary standards of all time — the ISO 9000 family on quality management systems.
Even at this early stage, the founding partners of QSR® had an inherent appreciation for the value that accredited third-party ISO certification could bring to industry if performed in a credible manner by auditors who possessed the requisite skills and integrity to add value to each and every industry sector in which we would operate.
Thus began the journey for the first US-accredited registrar — Quality Systems Registrars, Inc. (QSR®), which first attained accreditation from the then Registrar Accreditation Board (RAB) in 1990. The founding partners understood the complexities and potential pitfalls associated with delivering a consistent service while avoiding any potential conflicts of interest that would undermine the QSR® certification mark.
While so many of our competitors have pursued growth at any cost, QSR® has remained true to the ideals and principles that provide the greatest value for our clients. We pledge to uphold this commitment of excellence to our clients and the management systems we certify — both now and in the future.