• QSR® - Quality Systems Registrars Inc.

ISO 45001 Certification

Occupational Health & Safety Advisory Services

ISO 45001 Certification

The ISO 45001 standard specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system that allows organizations to control OH&S risks and improve performance. It does not state specific OH&S performance criteria, nor does it give detailed specifications for the design of a management system.

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Achieve the standard. Get ISO 45001 Certification today.

ISO 45001 Certification & Training

Control risk and improve performance with ISO 45001 certification from QSR. There have been a number of significant changes to the document since the first edition was published in 1999. The changes reflect the widespread use and experience of the standard in more than 80 countries and by approximately 16,000 certified organizations, according to drafters. There is now a much greater emphasis on “health” rather than just “safety,” and significantly improved alignment with the ISO 14001 standard on environmental management systems to promote the concept of integrated management systems.

Why Get ISO 45001 Certification?

  • Improve Performance
  • Increase Customer Satisfaction
  • Manage for Sustained Success
  • Reduce Costly Errors
  • Drive Sales & Profitability




Pre-assessment is an optional service that is offered for companies that wish to get the highest possible understanding of their readiness prior to undergoing a certification assessment.


Certification Audit

The certification audit has two parts stage 1 and stage 2. The objective of these two audits is the confirm your companies Quality Management System adheres to all the ISO Requirements.


Certificate of Registration

Upon acceptance by the Certification Committee, QSR issues a Certificate of Registration that is valid for 3 years and enters the newly certified organization into QSR’s List of Registered Firms.


Surveillance Audits

Surveillance audits are conducted each calendar year to ensure compliance with the standard.



Prior to the expiration of your ISO certification, QSR will perform a re-certification audit. This will examine your quality management system in its entirety for overall effectiveness.

Achieve the Standard.

Get ISO 45001:2018 Certification today.

Standards & Requirements for ISO 45001 Certification:

Key changes in the 2018 edition include:

  • The importance of “health” has been emphasized.
  • ISO 45001:2018 is now referred to as a standard rather than simply a specification, or document, as in the earlier edition. This reflects the increasing adoption of ISO 45001:2018 as the basis for national standards on occupational health and safety management systems.
  • The “Plan-Do-Check-Act” model diagram is only presented in its entirety in the Introduction. The previous edition had also presented it in sectional diagrams at the start of each major clause.
  • Reference publications in Clause 2 have been limited to purely international documents.
  • Define environmental objectives and targets that are measurable, where practicable, taking into account legal requirements and significant environmental aspects with programs in place to achieve these objectives and targets.
  • New definitions have been added and existing definitions revised.
  • Significant improvement in alignment with ISO 14001:2004 has been made throughout the standard; as well as improved compatibility with ISO 9001:2000.
  • A new requirement has been introduced for the consideration of the hierarchy of controls as part of OH&S planning.
  • Management of change is now addressed more explicitly.
  • A new clause on the “Evaluation of compliance” has been introduced, consistent with ISO 14001:2004.
  • New requirements have been introduced for participation and consultation.
  • New requirements have been introduced for the investigation of incidents.

Get started today – Achieve your sustainability goals.

At QSR® All of the management system standards that we work with can help you achieve your sustainability goals if implemented and audited in the proper spirit. Talk to QSR’s business development group today to find out which ISO standards provide the best fit with your sustainability program.